- Getting Started
- Setup On Your Website
- Server Side API
- Auth For Services
Server Side API
Change User Email
This endpoint is intented to admiinister a user's account by changinbg the user's email address.
For security purposes, if the User Pool requires email verification then upon changing a user's email address the user is Signed Out everywhere.
The user will then need to use the new email address to Sign In.
Never call this from a client such as Web or Mobile.
Request Body
The request body is a JSON object sent as the body of the HTTPS POST. The request body should include the following pramaters.
The user's new email address.
"appId": "131889432817531002",
"userId": "111770523408422991",
"email": "kevin@flynns-arcade.com"
200 - Success
A successful call will return an HTTP 200 status code. The user will be Signed Out everywhere, and will need to Sign In using the new email address.
"success": true
400 - Invalid User
User ID was not of a valid user within your User Pool.
"error": "INVALID_USER",
"message": "User doesn't exist"
403 - Email Already In Use
A user already exists in your user pool with the new email address.
message: "User with email already exists"
401 - Access Denied
An Access Denied response can occur from passing an invalid or expired sessionId, as well as an invalid appId or appSecret.
"error": "Access Denied!"